National Missions


Alphacrucis College

Established in 1948, Alphacrucis College (AC) is at the forefront of equipping leaders for careers of influence in theology, ministry, business, leadership, teaching, music, chaplaincy, community services and counselling.

The world needs people with integrity and a strong sense of purpose.
People who are equipped to serve and lead their communities.
Are you ready to discover your calling and embark on a new adventure?


Australian Christian Lobby

Over 220,000 individuals share ACL's vision to be a voice for God's truth in the public squares. Together, we are seeking to bring a Christian influence to politics. We want to see Christian principles and ethics accepted and influencing the way we are governed, do business and relate as a society. We want Australia to become a more just and compassionate nation.

ACL is non-party partisan, non-denominational.


Vision Christian Media

Vision Christian Media is a non-profit charity that has been working hard to bring the good news of the Gospel to Australia for over 30 years. Today Vision Christian Radio now has over 720 FM and AM relay stations nationwide covering major cities through to outback towns, broadcasting great music, interesting and engaging conversations, talkback, encouraging real life stories, Biblical perspectives on life, culture and current events, news and so much more.